Jun 17, 2010

Vacation and New Beginnings

Home Again
Tuesday we get back from an extended weekend camping trip and whether it is 3 days or 7 days the laundry feels like it is the same amount - a never ending pile. The trip was not one of the best we had, but I am thankful for finally having a pop-up camper again because it rained and rained and rained - the whole time! In a tent we would have been miserable - at least we were able to get off of the ground and dry out a bit at night. So after two long days of cleaning up from a 3 day camping trip, my life is feeling a little more like a routine, however it has become a new routine.
My sweet little girl started summer school this year, a getting ready for kindergarten class for 5-year-old's. She is handling it like a champ - when I take her to school at the big kid school (summer school is in our middle school building) all I get from her is a quick peck on the lips and she sits down to do her work. Not even giving me my moment to fuss and cry over her. I am so proud. Then she gets to ride on the bus all by herself to daycare. She even reminds the teacher she needs to be on bus 'E' so she gets to the correct place. Yep she is ready for kindergarten.

So know I am hoping my life becomes a more controlled environment, starting summer hours at work means I get half days on Friday. Which is nice to have because that gives me time to take some of the strain and running around from Saturday and Sunday that I always have to do. Finally I am planning and prepping a lot of fun things to do for Halloween - starting my list of supplies I need to make some new decorations this year, and I really can't wait for apple picking!

(Picture from 2008)
My favorite! Then I make a huge batch of apple pie filling! I have the best recipe to make a bunch and freeze, then just thaw and bake a fresh pie when you are busy at Christmas. The hardest part is over - peeling and slicing and you don't stress so much about an apple pie. That reminds me - I still have two left in the freezer. Hmmm. . . apple pie or crisp sounds so yummy right now! I will make sure to share the recipe when we get closer to making a huge batch!

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